Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Teaching Journal 10/1-10/5 Extended

I chose to hold back my teaching journal for this last week for two reasons. One, I needed to see my students papers before I could completely evaluate how the week of teaching went; I had some concerns based on Draft #1 of their papers. And two, I couldn't tell if last week felt anxious ridden because I was ill or because the students just wanted to be done with Project #1. Nonetheless, here are the results of last week.

On Monday, Peer Reviews were due. I had two students not turn in the first draft of their papers so it messed with the grouping for peer reviews. I had reorganized the groups over the weekend so that the students who did not turn in papers on time, would still need to turn in something (even though it was a violation) so I could help them where they were struggling. One student e-mailed their paper to me Sunday night, 5 hours late, so that I could help him. this student I was lenient with. However, the second student turned in nothing. No draft, no SafeAssign, nothing. I informed this student via e-mail that it was a major violation, and in order to avoid any more violations, he would have to do the Peer Review for the next day. Okay. Both students did the Peer Review, as did everyone else. So Monday's conversation was about how much value their education should really hold in their lives and priorities. I explained that I was not just lurking waiting to write violations, that I was wanting to see them use their full potential and to let me help them push their potential even further. Many students looked inspired and even told me that they appreciated me, so I was hoping this was a revamp.

On Wednesday, we had a great class. We talked about Malcolm X, Alexie, and hooks. I split them into groups, assigned one reading per group, and had them list sponsors in the text, reasons for literacy, and then relate it back to one of the case studies in Brandt's article. We had great conversation about literacy as survival and a way to make their lives new and they genuinely enjoyed the readings. Heather Kaley also observed me this day, and it was all in all successful (even though I was still sick). I assigned them literacy narratives to write of their own (500 words).

For Friday, everyone turned in homework and everyone came to class (which is a rarity for me in a Friday evening class). I used Heather's suggestion in her presentation to split up the technologies in Baron's text, and so we did and had great conversation on the evolution of technology and where we'd be without each of them. It was another great class. I also assigned technology narratives of 300 words due Monday on the technology that has influenced them the most. I reminded them that their papers were due at midnight and to please put all effort forward. One student raised his hand and begged to have until Sunday. Since I knew I was not goin to make it to grading them until Sunday anyway, I went ahead and pushed back the deadline but made them all promise that since they had extra time, that I would get a submission from all of them.

So Sunday rolls around and two students, again and one of the same as last time, does not turn his paper in. I contact them and specifically ask the repeat violator to come see me in my office hours on Monday. Nothing. He will not reply to e-mail, he did not come to class on Monday, and I know that he is one student of seventeen but he was a good student up until Draft #1 was due. He had written in his journal entries that he had anxiety over assignments, and I'm still wishing he would just come talk to me e-mail me back.

However, after reading through the majority of my students papers, I can report that there was VAST improvements made in these drafts! i am so happy because I can tell that my talk with them about putting their best foot forward and giving the assignment all that they had was taken seriously. I genuinely love that they took my advice and seem to be getting what they can out of their opportunities.

Had I reported on the state of my teachings on Sunday, I feel that this would have been a much different submission and I'm glad that I held out and had hope. It restores my belief that I'm asking them for full effort and they know I'm giving full effort as well.

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